People also occasionally do an Internet search on their own name to see if anyone is writing something about them. If you got to this page because you are one of them, be sure to check out our class web site. I know, it's long shot, but if one of our fellow classmates does happen to do a search and finds this page it will have been worth it.
Betty Adams | Dawn Amlo | David Baker | Deborah Bookstein | Steve Boyko |
Bonita Brewster | Diana Bruce | Gad Carter | Richard Carter | Monica Cassello |
Patricia D'Amato | Catherine Davis | Amy Day | Jeanne Devine | Rivanna Dicks |
Valerie Dowdell | Bruce Dublin | Ferdinand Everett | Glennie Foster | Michael Fox |
Edward Franklin | Michael Freund | Patricia Fudge | Juanita Harris | Ronald Hill |
Diane Hood | Hazel Howard | Bevery Jackson | David Johnson | Donna Johnson |
Steve Jones | Doreen Kiser | Beverly Lemay | Mary Libert | Helena Marshall |
Claudette Mathis | Peter Maylor | Gerard Miller | Everton O'Connor | Susan Paolino |
Steven Perrone | Leo Petrossi | Olivia Pittman | Grace Ragin | Thomas Reynolds |
William Seif | Alan Shuch | Carol Smith | Diane Smith | Norris Smith |
Rashelle Townsend | Peggy Walker | Arthur Wallack | Shirley Walters | Michael Wilkes |
William Williams |
NOTE - Dawn Amlo has been officially reported as a missing person and listed in the national registry. If anyone has any information please inform the authorities